
Do you have a new puppy? Congratulations! There is no better smell than the smell of puppy breath. Puppies need extra care and attention. We offer puppy visits which include, potty breaks, light training, feedings and play time. These visits are great for the babies who haven’t finished all of their shots yet.

Once your little one is ready to get out on the trails we have walks tailored to introduce puppies to the pack. Your puppy will to socialize with other young dogs. They learn dog communication skills and doggy manners. The mature dogs teach the little ones manners faster than any human can. These walks also help with on-leash walking, as well as basic commands like, “come”, “sit” and “stay”. They will learn to scurry as fast as their little paws can take them when they hear, “come”. Whoever comes first, earns the treat! It’s cuteness overload, lots of fun and necessary for healthy, lifelong socialization skills.